Monday, 18 August 2014

W is for Writer's Day

W is for Writer’s Day

If I had a pound for everyone who told me they could write a book my savings would have increased, and if I had one for everyone who told me they started a novel but couldn’t finish it they would have increased even more.

Every published author I know organises their time in order to write.

I not write historical novels, which requires research and visits to places of historical interest. I also blog and deal with ‘writerly’ matters.

My writing day begins at 6 a.m. With a break for breakfast I work until 10 a.m. After lunch I work for an hour and more often than not I work from 4 or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

This is my routine on every day of the year except for Christmas and even then I’ve sneaked a look at my e-mails. But I confess that this year, when I went on holiday with my daughter and her children, writing took the proverbial back seat.

The point is that an author needs to organise their time. For those with little time to spare by writing a page a day a non-fiction book or a novel can be completed, edited and revised within the year.


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