Beautiful weather
The first two daffodils of many daffodils in my garden flowered to day. Spring is really here.
I had intended to plant rhubarb today. Instead I cut weed suppressant to fit it the top left hand corner of my garden. I then stood and one of my compost bins and the tumbler to it. The weed suppressant hardly shows now that they are in place. The advantage is that it will prevent roots growing up through the compost, save a lot of time weeding and make it easier to collect the compost when I tip it out. I have a third bin in another part of the garden. My first attempt to make compost resulted in a smelly, soggy mess. Yuck. Now I layer the different components and the compost is odourless and dry. The first layer is shredded paper most of which comes from junk mail.
Labels: Compost, Daffodils, Rosemary Morris Historical Novelist, Shredded Paper, Weed Supprssant